Rooftop Cube
in primary school no. 40 in Krakow.
Rooftop Cube units are very versatile and can generate significant investment and operating savings. This is what happened in the case of Primary School No. 134 in Krakow, where two Cube R8 devices with an NW supply module were installed on the roof of the gymnasium, creating a complete heating and ventilation system.
Devices with an air supply module do not require any ventilation ducts. All the necessary connections are integrated into the device and no other additional elements are needed. Therefore, space savings resulting from the lack of a duct installation and additional heat sources will ensure investment savings. Additionally, highly efficient heat recovery exchangers in combination with intelligent control algorithms translate into operational savings.
Additionally, highly efficient heat recovery exchangers in combination with intelligent control algorithms translate into operational savings. This project concerned a building with dimensions of 35 x 45 and a height of 9 m. The fresh air flow for the entire facility was 10,400 m3 / h. Two Cube R8 devices with air supply modules and water heat exchangers were installed. The source of heat in this case is a gas boiler room, and the unit price per m3 of gas is PLN 1.5. The devices work from 8.00 a.m. to 3 p.m., and the use of high-efficiency heat recovery resulted in operating savings of PLN 10,434 per year compared to the standard mechanical ventilation system based on air supply devices with mixing chambers.
Interview with the owner of Synea Medical Spa in Pruszcz Gdański
See the opinion of the investor who uses a Cube unit in his facility.
The presented investment is a one-day SPA facility. Due to the nature of the building, the investor particularly wanted to feel comfortable inside the rooms.
Check how you can save on investment and operating costs with Cube rooftop units.